Joe stands in front of a work in progress.

Quilt Freedom Monthly Online Workshops

My online workshops are designed to be fun, informative and three hours long. I teach them all from my Gallery/Studio in San Francisco unless I am traveling - in which case they will transmit from a different location.

Patrons get discounted access to these workshops ( $30 instead of $35) as well as early bird access to my other events. Patrons also have a standing invite to join Joe in his Gallery/Studio every Friday afternoon (schedule allowing). Click here to become a Patron.

May 11 Quilt Freedom Workshop 47: Quilting Superstars

This Saturday on my Quilt Freedom Workshop, I'll have so much greatness: Laura Camerlengo, Textile Curator at the Fine Arts Museums here in San Francisco will be showing work from that fantastic collection, Pat Pauly (pictured) wi9ll be joining us from her studio in Rochester, New York and Julie Silber will be bringing some outrageous examples. As always, ticketholders get the recording to watch if they can't make the time slot.





Two Color Workshop On Demand

For the first time Joe has made a workshop available on demand. Students can sign up at any time and then have access to the course whenever they wish.


Previous Events

Friday and Saturday quilt show in San Francisco. Always a wonderful time.

I love teaching for the Madeline Island School of Art people (MISA) and now I get to teach a class for them in Santa Fe, where we will make work based on the local architecture, “Coyote Fences and Latillas.” April 23-26, 2023. I promise it will be fun and creative. Here

I’ll also be teaching in Melbourne,. Australia, April 13-16, 2023. Classes open there October 18, 2022.